Joint statement from ASN, ERA-EDTA, ISN

The COVID-19 pandemic presents numerous challenges to health care systems across all continents and in particular in developing countries. Vulnerable kidney patients requiring dialysis are facing live-threatening situations.

  • Many regular dialysis services have been interrupted to prepare hospitals to provide care to COVID-19 patients.
  • 20-30% of patients hospitalized with COVID-19 develop kidney failure, leading to a surge in requirement for dialysis.
  • Drugs and consumables necessary for dialysis treatment are in shortage
  • PPE is in shortage and healthcare professionals are ill-equipped
  • Centers are understaffed due to illness and quarantine
  • Patients are in lock-down and cannot travel to dialysis centers

Together, the three societies are requesting urgent action by:

  • Providing support to staff, nephrologists, and other health professionals delivering life-saving dialysis treatments to these vulnerable patients.
  • Prioritizing rapid testing capabilities and supply of personal protective equipment

The COVID-19 and Nephrology section on the ISN website is updated daily with resources, guidance and reports from around the world.


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