56th ERA-EDTA Congress: educational grants

ERA EDTA’s objective is the advancement of medical science and clinical work in nephrology, dialysis, renal transplantation, hypertension and related subjects.
It aims at providing up-to-date knowledge, exclusively based on scientific data, independent from governaments’ policies and from any influence of the industry. This is realized by training courses and congresses that ERA-EDTA organizes for its members.


We are glad to inform you that ERA-EDTA has the opportunity to offer educational grants to attend the “56thERA-EDTA Congress” June 13-16, 2019 in Budapest (Hungary); they include registration, travel, hotel accommodation and assistance during the congress days (June 13-16, 2019) http://www.era-edta2019.org/scientific_programme.

Positions are limited and addressed to nephrologists only.


selection criteria:

- Be an ERA-EDTA Member

- Have an accepted abstract to the Congress

- Under 40 years of age

- Not having received a grant in previous years

Please download the application form here.




Tel: +39 051 6038807


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